Saturday, July, 27, 2024 09:30:29

In a recent clinical trial, AstraZeneca’s diabetes pill Farxiga has reportedly shown positive test results in treating heart failure and reducing the risk of kidney problems in a wide pool of patients. However, as per trusted sources, the medication that belongs to a set of treatments known as SGLT2 inhibitors failed to exhibit a statistically important benefit in curing heart attacks or strokes, even among patients suffering from the established cardiovascular disease.

Experts state that diabetic patients are more susceptible to the risk of heart problems, making the CV profile of medication that treat the condition a vital mission for doctors and patients.

Dr. Stephen Wiviott a specialist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and a senior investigator on the trial stated that the findings were significant in order to provide an accurate depiction of SGLT2 drugs, which to date were aimed at people suffering from an established heart disease.

The results of the 17,000-patient trial, which was later revealed at the American Heart Association and concurrently published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that Farxiga reduced the risk of hospitalization from heart failure by 27 percent, while also preventing the risk of kidney disease.

Although two smaller studies with rival SGLT2 drugs were directed at patients with established heart disease, Wiviott further added that the overall results from the study revealed that the wider prevention of heart failure was the primary advantage.

According to sources familiar with the development, the study showed no increased risk of amputations, fractures, gangrene or bladder cancer in patients treated with Farxiga drug. However, an increase in genital infection was occasionally noted with SGLT2 drugs.

Farxiga’s competitors include Jardiance by Eli Lilly and Boehringer Ingelheim and Invokana by Johnson & Johnson, which have already depicted positive outcomes among patients with heart problems.   AstraZeneca believes the new data will aid the expansion of Farxiga among a much wider range of patients, cite sources.