Thursday, May, 02, 2024 12:10:31

Technology conglomerate Microsoft reportedly announced to have purchased the Georgia-based startup FSLogix, which is predominantly known for its FSLogix app provisioning platform. As per trusted sources, the technology of FSLogix will speed up load times for user profiles in Microsoft’s OneDrive and Outlook, improving the overall performance of Office 365.

Corporate vice president at Microsoft Azure, Julia White, and Corporate vice president at Office 365, Brad Anderson, stated that the FSLogix solutions improve customer productivity and experience across numerous business verticals, while lowering support requirements for IT departments.

According to a report, Microsoft named ThinPrint, People Tech Group, Liquidware, Lakeside Software, CloudJumper, Citrix, and FSLogix as partners working on solutions while making the virtual desktop announcement in September. The company apparently resolved that it wanted to own one of those experiences which led to the acquisition of FSLogix.

Sources familiar with the development claim that FSLogix has raised approximately USD 10.3 million in funding prior to the takeover. The company’s solutions suite, which is compatible with a range of cloud vendors including Red Hat, Citrix, VMware, and Amazon, reportedly targeted consumers with 1,000 to 50,000 users.

Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of FSLogix, Randy Cook reportedly released a statement in which he noted that the goal of the company since its inception in 2012 was to develop a software to assist customers in reducing the amount of labor, time, and resources required to support virtual desktops.

The first two products of FSLogix, FSLogix Profile Container and FSLogix Apps, focused on fulfilling the crucial requirements that have existed since the rise of desktop virtualization. Even though it’s still business as usual as of now, the company aims to join the strength of Microsoft’s enterprise productivity solutions and integrate with the software giant to extend its global reach, Cook further added.

Reportedly, the financial information pertaining to the acquisition is yet to be revealed.